Fáilte a thuismeoirithí agus a pháistí

Welcome to Mr. O Regan's class blog. We are the Scoil Bhríde Smarties and here you can keep track on what we have done in class. You can see experiments we have done, creations we have made and you can read all about different stories we have learned about in class. Here we will bring you news from our classroom and we might even give you a few ideas you can practice at home!

Dont forget to comment!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Our funny news and jokes.

Why didnt the skeleton go to the party?
He had no body to go with.
Whats big, green, sits in the corner and cries?
The incredible sulk.
Knock knock.
Whos there?
Doctor Who?

Adam and Gary

Knock knock.
Whos there?
Philis who?
Philis a glass of water

Doctor, doctor, I feel like a train...
Dont worry Ill get you back on track

Why does a golfer wear two pairs of pants..
In case he gets a hole in one

The roof

Doctor doctor I've lost my memory..
How long have you been like this..
I cant remember

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

St. Patrick's Story.

Last week we celebarated St. Patrick's Day. It was on the 17th of March. Some of us went to see paraides and other people climbed 'Croghan Hill'. St. Patrick is said to have ordained St. Brigid a bishop on top of this hill. There used to be a rock on the hill with the footprints of St. Patrick's horse.
We decided to make a story about the life of St. Patrick. Patrick had a hard life when he was younger. We used drawings and sketches of St. Patrick during his life. We hope you enjoy our storyof St. Patrick.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ash Wednesday. OurTrocaire appeal.

This Lenten peroid we are making a special effort to help others. Take a look at our video and see why.

World Book Day 2011

'World Book Day' was held on the 3rd of March this year.From  the Mad Hatter to Batman, we dressed up as our favourite characters from books that we have read to celebrate 'world book day' this year. We described our characters and talked about the books we realy liked. Take a look at our video and see some of the children who dressed up. ..

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Caillín na Gaillimhe

This week we are learning the Gaeilge of 'Galway Girl'. We will be performing it in the halla on Friday as part of our 'Seachtain na Gaeilge' celebrations. Here is the song with the lyrics to help you. Who knows maybe this time next week we will have our own video of us performing the song.
Slán anois!
Mr. O Regan.

Bhuel de thug mé cos ar an siúlóid mhór
Thart ar lár an lae
Is de bhuail mé le cailín breá dathúil
Agus thosaíomar ag plé.

Agus n'fheadar liom,
Cad a thiocfaidh orm.
Lena gruaig chomh dubh
Is a súile gorm.

Ach thóg mé a lámh.
Thug mé rince di,
Agus phóg mé cailín na Gaillimhe.

Bhíomar leath-shlí tríd nuair a d'oscail an spéir
Níos déanaí ins an lae.
Agus rith muid síos chuig an árasán
Chomh bog an lae i-ay.

Agus n'fheadar liom,
Cad a thiocfaidh orm.
Lena gruaig chomh dubh
Is a súile gorm.

Ach thóg mé a lámh.
Thug mé rince di,
Agus phóg mé cailín na Gaillimhe.

Bhuel de dhúisigh mé agus mé liom féin
D'fhág sí mé i-ay
Le mo chroí bhríste bhí pian laistigh

Agus n'fheadar liom,
Cad a tharlaíonn linn.
Nuair a chasamar leis an gcailín sin

Tá feicthe agam gach uile naomh
Ach ní a leithéid le cailín na Gaillimhe