Fáilte a thuismeoirithí agus a pháistí

Welcome to Mr. O Regan's class blog. We are the Scoil Bhríde Smarties and here you can keep track on what we have done in class. You can see experiments we have done, creations we have made and you can read all about different stories we have learned about in class. Here we will bring you news from our classroom and we might even give you a few ideas you can practice at home!

Dont forget to comment!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

School Tour to 'Tayto Park' 2011

From rope ladders to ab-sailing the smarties did it all on their school tour, and we even had time to learn a little bit about the 2 million Taytos that are made in Ashbourne Co. Meath each day!!
We all enjoyed the day, and had our fill of Taytos too!

Take a look at our video and maybe you can tell you're parents a little bit about your day.
Why dont you write a recount story about the day, dont forget to use the our headings;
Hope you enjoy the video....
p.s. you can practise you're shuffling at home to the music!!

Intercultural Day 2011

Today Scoil Bhríde Primary School celebrated 'Intercultural Day'. Each class leraned about some of the different cultures from continents accross the globe. Can you remember anything about the following cultures;

The Mafi Tribe

The Egyptians

South Africa




Then each class was put under the spotlights, as they sang an read poems from all the different countries we had learned about. Take a look at this video we have made to see more!!