Fáilte a thuismeoirithí agus a pháistí

Welcome to Mr. O Regan's class blog. We are the Scoil Bhríde Smarties and here you can keep track on what we have done in class. You can see experiments we have done, creations we have made and you can read all about different stories we have learned about in class. Here we will bring you news from our classroom and we might even give you a few ideas you can practice at home!

Dont forget to comment!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Jack and the Beanstalk

Our first podcast

Today was a very exciting day in 'the smarties' classroom. We made our very first podcast!! Everybody got together today to make this recording but first we had each create a book review.
What we did?
Last week we all read at least one book. After we had read the book we wrote about it. Writing about a book after you have read it is called 'reviewing' a book. We 'reviewed' our books under the following headings.
1. Title;    the name of the book.
2.Author; the person who wrote the book.
3. Illustrator the person who drew the pictures for the book.
4. Characters;   the people who are in the book.
5. Setting the place the story happens.
6. Story;  here we write a little bit about the story, but we are careful not to say too much about the ending!!
7. Recommendation;   what did you think of the book? how many marks of ten would you give it?

 Here is the podcast!

You can also do a review on a panto, a film, a story, a video or even an event! If you have any suggestions for anything we could review in class please post a comment and share it with us!
If you would like to write a review up on your computer and post it there will be extra stars for your table after Christmas!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Carol Singing in Dunnes Stores 2010

Here you can see a video of our carol singing in Dunnes Stores. Thanks to all ther teachers and staff who helped out and a special thanks to all thoes who contributed to the appeal. The money will all go towards a great cause.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chinese myths; dragons

This week we made dragons from clay. We rolled the clay into a ball and used our fingers to pinch out differen shaped dragons. We then made different types of dragons from by using various paints. Dragons come from Chinese history. The Chinese believed in a lot of different types of dragons. Each dragon had the body parts from different animals. Some had paws from a tiger, antlers from a deer, ears from an ox, scales and a tongue from a snake and many more.
Look at the different types of dragons we have created in our video below.

For more information on dragons open this slideshow that we have studied!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010



Duilleoga deasa, deasa,
Duilleoga deasa, buí.
Duilleoga deasa, deasa,
Ag damhsa ar an gcraobh.

Duilleoga deasa, deasa,
Duilleoga deasa, buí.
Duilleoga deasa, deasa,
Ag imeacht leis an ngaoth.

Duilleoga deasa, deasa,
Duilleoga deasa, buí.
Duilleoga deasa, deasa,
Ar an talamh, ina luí.

Féach ar an fiseán anseo........